Sunday, September 28, 2008

Independant Reading Blog#4: 'Tis - Figurative Speech

Figurative speech is used in Frank McCourt's book 'Tis, however, it is used lightly. There is one simile that is repeated throughout the book, and is important to our understanding of McCourt as a character. The phrase he uses to describe his eyes, "like two piss holes in the snow", gives you a very vivid image of a yellow, crusty ring around his eyes, as there might be yellow-tinted snow left around a hole in a snow bank after hit by a stream of urine. His eyes are what causes him trouble throughout his life, and he is left to deal with the stigma of poor eyes and bad teeth.
There is also repetition of phrases throughout the novel to tie it together. Phrases such as "eyes like two piss holes in the snow", and "stick to your own" are to be found throughout the book, and bring the story together at points, uniting some of the themes.

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